Bad news for Better Call Saul fans...(
by pkd.pic | 2:16 Mar 27 2021

▲ pkd.pic 2:19 Mar 27 2021

aside from my health, my family and this brick oven ass pizza Im scarfing down in this backyard I dont deserve in this evil country that shields me from reality on this astronomically lucky planet I live on in this ridiculously small stable window of time I inhabit this was hands down the highlight of my Friday...


▲ pkd.pic 2:20 Mar 27 2021

Also props to GT for texting this to me, I take all credit though


▲ GlacialTruffle 3:18 Mar 27 2021

As a Better Call Saul fan, this concerns me deeply. I don't want to see the show end prematurely due to the filming issues this may cause. Will there be a planet suitable for finding out what happens to Kim Wexler? Because we all know -something- is coming, but not when. Could be next season, could be much much much much much later.


▲ pkd.pic 21:37 Mar 27 2021

Yeah, I feel like the inevitable end of life on earth could definitely force a classic rushed ending for sure
